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The Polish Trial

In the summer of 2003, eight people between the ages of 34 and 17 (not all ages have been stated) were invited to undergo the Professor Wu regime. All had been on hospital detoxification programs but felt so much happier on this regime. This was done in a small residential center in Warsaw know as KARAN. It is run by the Catholic Center for drug dependents.

Testimonials of four of the volunteers have been viewed, two female and two male. All testimonials were written within two weeks of starting the program. All spoke highly of the staff and general atmosphere within the community. The two female patients spoke about having to endure severe withdrawals for up to six days while the male patients did not mention withdrawals, one actually stated he didn’t think about drugs because the people were so nice. Another positive comment made by one of the female patients was that she was fully conscious by contrast with the hospital regime where she was given psychotropic drugs.

It is commendable that all spoke so highly of the unit. The positive and friendly atmosphere this place commands must go a long way towards success. It is true that once coercion and / or discrimination appear the battle is lost.

Unfortunately there has been no independent overview but it appears that only one person out of eight has relapsed. The others are still in regular contact with the center and are doing well.

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