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The Capsules

There are 3 kinds of capsule for the addictions treatment:

#1, the red/white capsule for drug addicts and alcoholics. Its main function is to block the desire for drug and alcohol, while helping ease the anxiety emotion of withdrawal syndrome.

#2, the green/white capsule for drug addicts and alcoholics. Its primary job is to do the scrubbing of the toxic substances from each cell, and expelling them out of the body through urine, bowl movement, sweat, tears, sneeze, etc. Secondly, it also provides nutritious elements to beef up the body strength as well as to raise the immune system capacity. Thirdly, it helps sooth the discomfort of syndrome.

#3, the blue/white capsule formulated exclusively to counter act the influence of alcohol is added into the regime for alcoholics only. Although alcohol seems mild and less harmful than drugs, it does possess extraordinary characteristics and involves more than just detoxing. Complications from alcoholism can be severe and require specific attention which our experienced staff is well trained to give.

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